- Based on latest mmx KK
- Better battery life
- Themed to real white complete kitkat
- Added data traffic monitor in settings
- Added 13 new battery icon styles
- Added battery icon and percentage
- Themed all icons
- ROM is not rooted, need to flash root zip, see attachments
- Deodexed
- Wonderful dolby digital sound with equalizer
- Build.prop tweaks and init.d tweaks
- Android 4.4.4 easter
- Beautiful Cleankat lockscreen
- Cleankat bootanimation and bootlogo
- Cleankat music player, advanced calculator and browser
- Added notes widget for homescreen
- Cyanogenmod clock widget with working weather
- Init.d tweaks
- Launcher plus kk as default launcher
- Added Cleankat white themed file manager
- Reboot to philz recovery.
- Clean to install a new rom.
- Wipe Dalvik Cache From Advanced.
- Flash The Rom
- Reboot And Enjoy
- Thats It...Ur Done
- Mr.AK
- Knight Owls Porting Assassins
- KOPA - Ronnie Gonzales (X170 Porter)

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