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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

[4.4.2][MTK6592] Oppo Neo N3

Change Log:


Optimized the application startup speed, ColorOS 2.1 improved the overall system response speed by 15%
Optimized 252 key usage scenarios, among which an obvious optimization can be seen on the startup speed of album time-line interface, from the tapping on the thumbnail to browsing an image; homescreen swiping and icon moving; startup speed of the incoming call interface.
Optimized the system RAM management, RAM usage when the system is idle decreased by 20%
Note: the above data is obtained through experimental tests, actual usage situations may vary depending on how many applications you've installed.


Removed the shortcut of Messages and Phone from the lock screen, to get a simpler and clean lock screen
Removed the "Revovling glass unlock" and "Weather unlock", only leaves the default lock screen style. If you need more unlock styles, please download in the Themes app.


Removed "Live Weather" function to reduce RAM usage and power consumption
Added the ability to sort homescreen icons alphabetically, please go to Settings -> Default application -> Home, click on the A-Z icon behand ColorOS launcher (Note: icons in the default homescreen and pages with Widget on it will not be sorted)


Added the function to import phonebook via Bluetooth, this function support phones using iOS, Windows phone and BlackBerry system.
Removed the rarely-used default avatar for contacts

Removed the rarely-used "Emoticon radar" function

ColorOS 2.1 brings brand new email design, improved the user experience


Removed the rarely-used Shake to switch songs fuction for it's outdated and easily mis-operateing
Removed the gesture of adjusting volume by long pressing and sliding up and down music player interface

Removed Ringtone settings from the Stopwatch interface

[Security Center]
Added "Internet connection control" in Data monitor, which allows you to control the permissions of Wi-Fi and data usage for third-party applications

Removed rarely-used and power consuming "Air gesture" from Gestures & motion -> Screen-on gesture
Changed the default settings for Screen-off gestures. All Screen-off gestures are turned off by default, to avoid power consuming when you don't use them. If you need to use these gestures, please go to Settings -> Gestures & motion -> Screen-off gestures to switch them on
Added Cover mode switch in Settings -> Gestures & motion. Which is turned off by default to avoid power consumption. If you need to use this function, please turn the switch on
Adds OTG connection switch in Settings -> More. This function is in turned off by default to avoid power consumption. If users need to use this function, please turn the switch on

Download: X170


Reboot to recovery
Wipe data-cache
Locate Rom
enjoy Booting Take a long time but it will boot dontcha worry.enjoy Oppo n3 new FW based.

Md.rajib mia
Knight Owls Porting Assassins
KOPA - Ronnie Gonzales (X170 Porter)

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