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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

[5.1][SC7731] Project Ashley CM 12.1 Like

Features : 
* Improved Performance 
* Improved Data Connection 
* Improved Signal 
* Improved Battery 
* RAM Saver 
* Tablet Like - Build Prop Tweak 
* Cyanogen Audio Recorder 
* Cyanogen Audio FX 
* Stock Backup and Restore 
* Boost+ 
* Cyanogen Browser 
* Cyanogen Calculator 
* Boxer Calendar 
* Stock Camera (with Panorama) 
* Stock Clock 
* Stock Contacts 
* Stock Download Manager 
* Boxer Email 
* Updated Facebook 
* Cyanogen File Manager 
* Stock FM Radio 
* Cyanogen Gallery 
* Gretel U5 Stock MMS 
* Semi Transparent Facebook Messenger 
* Cyanogen Music Player 
* Night Mode 
* Stock Phone 
* Root Explorer 
* Cyanogen Screen Cast 
* Share IT 
* UC Mini Browser 
* Cyanogen Inc’s Hexo and Yureka Theme 
* Enabled Status Bar Carrier Label 
* Enabled Notification Count 
* Enabled List View Animation 


How to Flash? 
- Boot to Recovery 
- Wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik 
- Install zip 
- Flash Project Ashley CM 12.1 like 
- Reboot 
Note: It takes 5-6 minutes to boot. and set the lcd density to 220 for better.:) 

Big Credits: 
*Cyanogen Inc for their applications and bootanimations. 
*for the porter of Gretel U5 which is the Team28Devs for the script 
*for Sir Benj for giving me tutorial on how to make a script for inserting boot logo. 
*Sir Ken for importing the updated Theme Chooser. 
*Sir Nesler for compiling the framework-res.ap 
*Leo who’s giving us idea on how to enable Notification Count and List View Animation. 
*for Sir Vasily Ivan and his Team28Devs for making the Unified Firmware. 
*for My28s Members for importing build prop tweaks. 
*and also credits for xda and Google. 
*Rafael A. Broas 
*Developer of the Rom Khian HD

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